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Sam Wangberg

I am a multimedia soundscape artist performing stories through vocals, sound fragments, and projected visuals. The creative process for me began when I interviewed people in the streets of Indonesia for recipes. I wrote for newspapers about biking through SE Asia and Australia. I sang to families I stayed with in appreciation.  I busked in Christchurch as a test to myself. I wrote poetry about love, anger, depression, and I performed poetry and songs in Spain. Through travel I built the tools for my current practice. 


My work with soundscapes started when I collected voice recordings, videos, and photos in Tonga in 2019. Combining these mediums was a way for me to process my surroundings; connect to the people and nature I was interacting with. I love having song, poetry, collected sounds and visuals all together because it creates a true sense of an experience I can share. “Settled Place” was the first soundscape I showcased at an event. It sealed the importance of sharing my work through performance. My latest work on friendships is being built around performance; circling back to my roots of inspiration through travel. 


Movement inspires my creative thinking. When I’m not  journaling I’m finding a way to be outside; snowboarding, running, climbing, dancing, or doing aerial silks. Ben and Jerry’s ice cream is how I treat myself for any reason. My homebase is starting to grow near Salt Lake City.


Photo by Jesse Walker

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